Tuesday, April 26, 2016

It's Been a Long Time

Sorry to be silent for so long. Life has thrown a huge curve ball.

I regret to inform you that one half of FuzzyDorff Creations, my mother, passed away early this month after a brief battle with leukemia.

Due to this and the impending arrival of my little one, I am taking the Etsy shop offline and I probably won't be updating this blog much.

If you would like to stay abreast of anything going on in the business, please follow me on Twitter- @fuzzydorff or like my Facebook page: Fuzzy Dorff Creations. If I post something here I will put links in both of those places.

I still have antiques and handmade goods, made by myself and my mother, at the store Emma Rae's Antiques and Uniques. We also have barn boards available from our family's 100+ year-old barn that we are taking down piece by piece. Find me on Twitter or Facebook if you are interested in learning more.

Thank you for your support.

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