Monday, June 14, 2021

Fun Summer Kid Crafts

It's that time of year- we have kids to entertain, and we want to craft. Let's combine interests and get some fun kid crafts worked up! Here is a list of some helpful websites I found:

Happiness is Homemade- Here is a list of quick summer crafts, including a cool pool noodle racetrack that I'm going to have to make for my son. 

Hands On As We Grow- This website compiled fun crafts from a bunch of different websites into one fun list, including a bubble snake blower!

Good Housekeeping- This list has a bunch of fun crafts that are a little more involved, like soap making, fabric stamping, and pottery painting, but I'm most excited about the seashell crab magnets.

The Idea Room- This is another list of crafts for older kids. I saw several on here that I'd love to make, but the one that caught my eye as a cool craft for upper-elementary-aged kids was the DIY Kool-Aid lip gloss. 

I Heart Crafty Things- Here is a HUGE list of summer crafts, and right at the top is a bunch of links to tutorials for zoo-themed finger puppets. My kiddo would go crazy for those. 

Projects With Kids- If your kid is into painting, there are a bunch of cool ideas on this site. 

There are many more websites that popped up with my simple Google search, but I think the list above is a good start. :-) 

In my house, fingerpainting is always a beloved activity. This summer I intend to pull some cardboard boxes out of the recycling, open them up flat, and let the kid paint whatever his heart desires all over them. The art work is easy to hang up if you want to display it, or it can be recycled when you're done. It's a win-win!

Happy crafting!

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