Tuesday, January 5, 2021

December 2020 Wrap-Up

 It's time for the monthly wrap-up! What did I finish in the final month of 2020? A whole lot of stuff, considering almost none of it was for Christmas presents!

I finished my first weave-a-thon project, this Christmas tree tapestry, idea from Rebecca Mezoff:

I finished my second weave-a-thon project, this wall hanging inspired by Lindsey Campbell of Hello Hydrangea: 

I finished this tassel pillow, a project from the Mollie Makes 2020 calendar, designed by Becki Clark:

I finished this gnome wall hanging, my third weave-a-thon project, inspired by Lindsey Campbell of Hello Hydrangea, with the cross-stitch chart made by Sarah Schira of Imagined Landscapes:

I made this mug rug, an original design, as my fourth weave-a-thon project: 

And I finished my fifth weave-a-thon project, this self-designed weave:

I also sewed several things, including these masks (pattern from sewingtherapy.net):

And this Christmas stocking, designed by Stephanie Soebbing of Quilt Addicts Anonymous:

We finished the year by making these marbled New Year's cards, inspired by Becki Clark's final project from the Mollie Makes 2020 Calendar:

What a year for crafting! Keeping my sanity during this tough year was pretty difficult sometimes, but crafts soothe my soul. I'm so lucky to have the time/ability to do the crafty things that I do. 

I can't wait to see what 2021 brings! I already have several projects in the works, so I'll be sure to stop in with updates periodically. Happy crafting!

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