Monday, January 11, 2021

New Craft Books

I've added to my crafting library over the last few weeks! I am so lucky to have loved ones that understand my obsession with crafting. :-)

First up, I received Vogue Knitting: The Ultimate Knitting Book, edited by Vogue Knitting magazine. It is a giant lexicon of knitting knowledge, containing "recipes" for lots of different knitted elements, from different stitches, to shaping, to steeking and other advanced techniques. It would be extremely useful in the hands of a knitwear designer. I received this book from my wonderful in-laws. Thanks!

Next, I got On the Loom: A Modern Weaver's Guide, written by Maryanne Moodie. This book has a ton of basic information on how to weave using both frame looms and simple cardboard looms. There are even instructions on how to make your own frame loom. The last half of the book is a collection of simple weaving patterns, including a scarf, some rugs, and even a plant pot cover. There are lots of quick little projects in here to enjoy. I received this book from my brother. Thanks!

While I have not received this yet, I know that I will be receiving Fat Quarter Workshop: 12 Skill-Building Quilt Patterns by Stephanie Soebbing. This book has some beautiful quilts designed by the author for her "Stashin' with Stephanie" fabric club and most (if not all) have video tutorials on her website. I haven't received it yet, as it was backordered, so I will know more about it soon. This book was gifted to me by a dear friend. Thanks!

I also haven't received this yet, but I'm 99.9% sure it's coming- Welcome to Weaving: The Modern Guide by Lindsey Campbell. One of my friends asked if I had anything in particular on my wishlist, and I was sure to point her right to this book. I've really enjoyed the author's video classes, and I can't wait to dive in to her book that is all about weaving techniques for the frame loom. I got two of her looms back in October, as I'm sure you recall from my blog, and I plan to put them to good use with the projects in this book. 

So, when I'm not crafting, you can find me reading about crafting! What are you currently reading? 

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